Giving Back

As runners, we’re rarely running only for ourselves.

We run for those we love, those we’ve lost, and those who need. 

At 2Lowe Run Company, our family and friends are with us each step of the way. Tactically speaking, many of them have enabled us to spend the hours, days, or months preparing for a race. Whether supporting us on trails, sharing some encouragement, and (especially for parents) watching our kids, we’re incredibly grateful for those that have helped us get to this point.

But beyond the physical preparation, we know that so many people and experiences have led us to become who we are today. When starting 2Lowe Run Company, we knew we wanted to give back, and Katie knew in her heart who she wanted to support. In 2016, at 23 weeks pregnant, Katie lost her only son (the addition to two lovely daughters). He was deemed “incompatible with life,” and in her own words, she “lived out her worst nightmare in dealing with that loss.”

When Katie and Adam considered how to give back, they knew they wanted to support the families who had been through the same experience. “I’ve supported people emotionally, but giving in this way has always been on my heart,” Katie says of the donation. Adam added, “Even though we didn’t go through that experience together, knowing Katie so well now, I can’t imagine a better way to honor her and support families than with that shared experience.”

The proceeds from Lock2Lock Marathon and future races will be donated to the Meritus Foundation to specifically support the Perinatal Bereavement Committee and Labor of Love Support Group. Katie will work directly with the directors of the Bereavement Committee & Labor of Love to select and fund remembrance gifts or activities for families who are experiencing child loss. Future gifts include remembrance Christmas ornaments for each family for the Labor of Love Christmas celebration, or the recording of their baby’s heartbeat. That recording is often gifted within a teddy bear so the mother and family will always carry their love.